Oil or cream for hair? What should you choose?

Both oil treatment and application of cream belong to the same rarely used method for conditioning strands. Both methods look similar, what changes is the product used for hair nourishment. In first case on hair is applied natural oil, which is left on hair for a given time, then rinsed with delicate shampoo. In the second case – on hair is applied organic, based on natural and well chosen ingredients… body, hand or face creams. It may sound surprising, but these products are best for conditioning hair (under the condition that the ingredients are properly balanced and will like with our hair). Is it then relevant whether you use oil or organic face or hand cream? Shouldn’t you instead of buying oil just reach for a given cream you have in your bathroom? Below article describes what is the difference between hair treatment with oil and cream. You will find out which method is more effective, simpler and more beneficial to your hair.

– The main difference between oil treatment and application of cream is that the second one cannot be applied on the scalp due to its clogging action and can disrupt the processes on the scalp surface. Only natural oils allow to preserve balance on the skin and take care of processes on its surface and inside its inner structures.

– Another drawback of natural cream: it cannot penetrate hair bulbs structures and will not provide hair with deep regeneration. Cream – in contrast to oil – will never make hair grow healthier and well regenerated. Therefore, only natural hair oil can ensure hair with strength and vitality.

– Oil has exceptional ability to penetrate inner hair structures and scalp to reach hair bulbs. Used in right amounts (about 5 ml on the entire length and scalp) oil will not grease or weight hair down, because it will mostly work on the inside. In the meantime, with the amount of cream on hair it is easy to overdo and as a result weight hair down. This will make strands flat, heavy and often matte.

To sum up: hair oil treatment is much more practical and safer for hair, but is also best method for deep regeneration and to provide hair with full nourishment. Oils not only regenerate, but also protect hair against damages. Creams – even the most natural – can bring more harm than good, especially if you do not know how the given ingredient will react on your hair.